About Us
My name is Stefan, and I’m a European full-time traveler working online.
For years, I have had an analytical job with a 9-5 schedule that seemed to drain all the creativity and passion out of me.
I longed for something more adventurous and fulfilling, allowing me to see the world and experience new cultures. And so, I made the decision to leave behind the monotony of office life and start working remotely.
Now, I travel the world full-time while working online. It has been an incredible journey so far, filled with ups and downs.
I will share my experiences and insights with you. It’s not just about traveling to exotic locations or ticking off a bucket list.
It’s about discovering new perspectives, pushing your limits, and challenging yourself to be the best version of you. So join me on this adventure, and let’s see where it takes us!

Welcome to my travel blog, where I share comprehensive travel guides, city and country itineraries, personal stories, and tips to work online and travel the world.
I lived in France, Italy, The Netherlands, The UK, The US, Thailand, Vietnam, and Georgia 🌍
And no, I don’t count “living” as traveling around a country for a month – I lived in each of these countries for years.
I worked for big corporations around the world, from Booking.com in Amsterdam and Cambridge to Nike in the Netherlands to Accor in France.
The thing is…I always refused to settle down in a single place and having a 9-5 job for years, living a life that wouldn’t be rewarding.
That’s why, in 2018, when I first read about making money online, I immediately wanted to give it a try myself and started working as a freelancer on Upwork. That worked out pretty well, and soon after, I created Tricks and Trips.
Back in 2018, I was still pretty new to the working online world, but I now know the industry very well – Check out my remote work category to do the same.
Travel-wise, I started traveling when I was 5 and basically never stopped since then.

Why Do I Travel?
Most people travel because they want or need a break, and there’s obviously nothing wrong with that. But in my eyes, I’m always after new experiences, learning languages and cultures, and living stories.
I lived in a farm in Thailand, spent time at awesome beaches in Italy and the Philippines, got lost in Korea, ended up in a gypsy camp in Georgia, went to democracy protests in Hong Kong…and I could go on with my stories or a while 😀
The world is not a dangerous place, and most people in the globe won’t do anything to hurt you. When you travel, you kind of become part of a society and locals just live their normal everyday life.
I’ve been to countries that are considered “dodgy” or “dangerous” and, let me tell you, I had so much more fun than in places that are considered “safe”.
Let me tell you my story here below.
My Story ✍🏼
I was born in Rome, Italy to an Italian dad and a French mother. We were a regular family, never have been rich enough to travel often or even go have dinner at restaurants on a regular basis.
Since life in Italy was pretty average, my parents decided to move to France when I was 5, and settled in Paris for a while before moving to Troyes, a small city in the eastern part of France.
At the age of 14, we moved back to Italy to an average city called La Spezia, mostly known for Cinque Terre.
I went to school in France and to University in Italy – This wasn’t only great to learn different languages and meet more people, but also to grow as a person and become more mature early in life.
I started to work when I was 16 at a cocktail bar to pay for my studies and then found a full-time job when I was 18. After finishing my studies, I went back to France, moved to the Netherlands, the UK, and stayed in Thailand during the pandemic in 2020.
Needless to say, going through the details of each step in my life would require pages and pages of this blog 🤯
After 3 years in Thailand, I finally got to travel again, spend 7 months in Georgia, Vietnam, the Philippines, Singapore, Malaysia, and Europe.

Why Do I Travel For So Long?
With a long history of moving in and out in my early life, settling down has never really been a thing for either my parents or myself.
The reason why I travel long time is because I love it, I love meeting new people, learning new languages, and, all in all, living each day as if it were the last.
Let’s be honest, living life without taking risks would be a bit boring, wouldn’t it?
Also, living and traveling has taught me to be very independent and minimalist, and most of my stuff fits in a 20′ luggage – And I love this feeling of freedom!
How Do I Afford to Travel? 🤔
No, the answer is nothing sus or odd, it’s much easier than you think.
I’ve worked online for years in Marketing, writing content for clients, and creating strategies for their own businesses.

How Can You Become a Digital Nomad?
Being a digital nomad has become this label of “Working from the beach or anywhere I want” – And while it’s true, that’s really how it is.
Essentially, a digital nomad is someone that works online – the same as you would work in an office or at home, but while traveling. There’s virtually no difference in the amount of work I do now traveling or as I did in Europe at my corporate job.
The 3 ways to become a digital nomad is to find a remote job, become a freelancer on the freelancing platforms, or to sell a service (Blogging, consultation, selling stock photos, etc.)
And trust me, if I did it, you can too!

Again, thanks for passing by and reading more about me, let me know here below if you have any questions!

Any Questions?
Get in touch here for feedback or collaborations.